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  Publication du CNR en 2015

lundi 24 avril 2017, par jrobert

Publications internationales

  1. C. Bernard, N. Veziris, F. Brossier, W. Sougakoff, V. Jarlier, J. Robert, A. Aubry. Molecular diagnosis of fluoroquinolone resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2015, Mar ;59(3):1519-24.
  2. F. Reibel, A. Chauffour, F. Brossier, V.Jarlier, E. Cambau, A. Aubry. New insights into the geographic distribution of Mycobacterium leprae SNP genotypes determined for isolates from leprosy cases diagnosed in metropolitan France and French territories. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2015, 9(10):e0004141
  3. A. Renvoisé, F.Brossier, E. Galati, N. Veziris, W. Sougakoff, A. Aubry, J. Robert, E. Cambau, V. Jarlier, C. Bernard. Assessing primary and secondary resistance to clarithromycin and amikacin in infections due to Mycobacterium avium complex. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2015, 59(11):7153-5 (Lettre à l’éditeur)
  4. Grard S, Catho G, Valour F, Bouaziz A, Perpoint T, Braun E, Biron F, Miailhes P, Ferry T, Chidiac C, Souquet PJ, Couraud S, Lina G, Goutelle S, Veziris N, Dumitrescu O, Ader F. Linezolid in the Starter Combination for Multidrug- Resistant Tuberculosis : Time to Move on to Group Four ? Open Forum Infect Dis. 2015 Dec 22 ;2(4):ofv175.
  5. Brossier F, Sola C, Bernard C, Jarlier V, Veziris N, Sougakoff W. Characterization of a Clone of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Clinical Isolates with Mutations in KatG (A110V), EthA (Q269STOP), and the inhA Promoter (-15C→T). J Clin Microbiol. 2015 Sep ;53(9):3104.
  6. Brossier F, Sougakoff W, Bernard C, Petrou M, Adeyema K, Pham A, Amy de la Breteque D, Vallet M, Jarlier V, Sola C, Veziris N. Molecular Analysis of the embCAB Locus and embR Gene Involved in Ethambutol Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in France. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015 Aug ;59(8):4800-8.
  7. Kibleur Y, Veziris N. French Nationwide Cohort Temporary Utilization Authorization Survey of GranuPAS(®) in MDR-TB patients. Chemotherapy. 2014 ;60(3):174-9.
  8. Coolen N, Morand P, Martin C, Hubert D, Kanaan R, Chapron J, Honoré I, Dusser D, Audureau E, Veziris N, Burgel PR. Reduced risk of nontuberculous mycobacteria in cystic fibrosis adults receiving long-term azithromycin. J Cyst Fibros. 2015 Sep ;14(5):594-9.
  9. Catho G, Couraud S, Grard S, Bouaziz A, Sénéchal A, Valour F, Perpoint T, Braun E, Biron F, Ferry T, Chidiac C, Freymond N, Perrot E, Souquet PJ, Maury JM, Tronc F, Veziris N, Lina G, Dumitrescu O, Ader F ; Lyon TB Study Group. Management of emerging multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in a low-prevalence setting. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2015 May ;21(5):472.e7-10.
  10. Parize P, Hamelin A, Veziris N, Morand PC, Guillemain R, Lortholary O, Dupin N. Induction therapy with linezolid/clarithromycin combination for Mycobacterium chelonae skin infections in immunocompromised hosts. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2016 Jan ;30(1):101-5.
  11. Guglielmetti L, Le Dû D, Jachym M, Henry B, Martin D, Caumes E, Veziris N, Métivier N, Robert J ; MDR-TB Management Group of the French National Reference Center for Mycobacteria and the Physicians of the French MDR- TB Cohort. Compassionate use of bedaquiline for the treatment of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis : interim analysis of a French cohort. Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Jan 15 ;60(2):188-94.
  12. Jaubert J, Mougari F, Picota S, Boukerrou M , Barau G ; Ali Ahmed S, Raskine L, Camuset G, Michault A, Simac C, Cambau E. A case of postoperative breast infection by Mycobacterium fortuitum associated with the hospital water supply. American Journal of Infection Control. 2015 ;43(4):406-8.
  13. Guglielmetti L, Mougari F, Lopes A, Raskine L, Cambau E. 2015 Human infections due to nontuberculous mycobacteria : the infectious diseases and clinical microbiology specialists’ point of view. Future Microbiol. 2015 Sep ;10:1467-83. doi : 10.2217/fmb.15.64. Epub 2015 Sep 7.
  14. Cambau ERush-Gerdes S, Jarlier V et all. Revised chapters on „Safety“ and on „Drugs susceptibility testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis In Mastering the basis of tuberculosis control” : in the Handbook on TB diagnostic methods ; ECDC Stockholm. New edition 2015.
  15. Cambau E et al. in ESGMYC-EUCAST report (www.eucast.org) 2015 : Workshop on recommendations for pharmaceutical companies regarding data required for new antituberculous drugs.
  16. F. Mechai, J. Figoni, B. Wyplosz, O. Aoun, O. Bouchaud, J. Robert. Survey of French physicians practices regarding treatment and control of transmission of smear-positive tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2015 ;19:205-209.
  17. Cambau E, Viveiros M, Machado D, Raskine L, Ritter C, Tortoli E, Matthys V, Hoffner S, Richter E, Perez Del Molino ML, Cirillo DM, van Soolingen D, Böttger EC. Revisiting susceptibility testing in MDR-TB by a standardized quantitative phenotypic assessment in a European multicentre study. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2015 Mar ;70(3):686-96.
    -  Publications internationales en tant que collaborateur(s) d’études multicentriques
  18. Roux AL, Catherinot E, Soismier N, Heym B, Bellis G, Lemonnier L, Chiron R, Fauroux B, Le Bourgeois M, Munck A, Pin I, Sermet I, Gutierrez C, Véziris N, Jarlier V, Cambau E, Herrmann JL, Guillemot D, Gaillard JL ; OMA group. Comparing Mycobacterium massiliense and Mycobacterium abscessus lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. J Cyst Fibros. 2015 Jan ;14(1):63-9.
  19. Lortholary O, Roussillon C, Boucherie C, Padoin C, Chaix ML, Breton G, Rami A, Veziris N, Patey O, Caumes E, May T, Molina JM, Robert J, Tod M, Fagard C, Chêne G ; ANRS 129 BKVIR Trial Group. Tenofovir DF/emtricitabine and efavirenz combination therapy for HIV infection in patients treated for tuberculosis : the ANRS 129 BKVIR trial. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2016 Mar ;71(3):783-93.
  20. P. Isaakidis, E. C. Casas, M. Das, X. Tseretopoulou, E. E. Ntzani, N. Ford. Treatment outcomes for HIV and MDR-TB co-infected adults and children : systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2015 ;19 :969-978.

Publications nationales

  1. F. Reibel, E. Cambau, A. Aubry. Les anti-lépreux. Journal Des Anti-infectieux. 2015.
  2. F. Reibel, E. Cambau, A. Aubry. La lèpre : actualités épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques (Epidemiology, diagnosis and leprosy therapeutics : an update). Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses. 2015 : 45(9):383-93 (review)
  3. Hervé C, Bergot E, Veziris N, Blanc FX. Tuberculosis in 2015 : From diagnosis to the detection of multiresistant cases. Rev Mal Respir. 2015 Oct ;32(8):784-90.
  4. L. Guglielmetti, C. Bernard, F. Brossier, K. Chadelat, B. Dautzenberg, B. Henry, M. Jachym, L. Raskine, B. Rivoire, V. Jarlier, C. Andrejak, A. Aubry, J. Robert, N. Veziris. « Groupe thérapeutique des infections à mycobactéries difficiles à traiter » et prise en charge des TB MDR : bilan 2005–2013, 2015, Rev Mal Respir. 32 suppl : A20.
  5. L. Guglielmetti, N. Veziris, C. Bernard, D. Martin, W. Sougakoff, L. Raskine, D. Antoine, P. Tattevin, C. Andrejak, V. Jarlier, J. Robert. Registre électronique pour la prise en charge, le suivi et la surveillance des cas de tuberculose à bacilles multi-résistants en France, 2015, Rev Mal Respir. 32 suppl : A217.
  6. Mougari F, Guglielmetti L, Lopes A, Raskine L, Cambau E. Mycobactérioses non tuberculeuses hors mycobactérioses cutanées. Revue Encyclopédie Médico Chirurgicale, 2015, 2015. 8-038-C-10
  7. L. Guglielmetti, J. Robert. Bédaquiline : De l’in vitro aux essais cliniques d’un nouvel antituberculeux. J Anti- infectieux 2015 ; J Antibiotiques 2015 ; 17 :60-66.

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