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Accueil du site > CNR > Les publications du CNR > Publications par thème : M. leprae et lèpre
  • Article

  Publications par thème : M. leprae et lèpre

lundi 7 mai 2007

- Sommaire des publications par thèmes

  • - Mycobacterium leprae et lèpre
  • - Mycobacterium ulcerans et ulcère de Buruli
  • - Mycobacterium tuberculosis et tuberculose
  • - Infections à d'autres mycobactéries

  • Mycobacterium leprae

  • - Are all the DNA gyrase mutations found in Mycobacterium leprae clinical strains involved in resistance to fluoroquinolones? S. Matrat, E. Cambau, V. Jarlier, A. Aubry. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2008;52:745-747.
  • - Expression and purification of an active form of the Mycobacterium leprae DNA gyrase and its inhibition by quinolones. Matrat S, Petrella S, Cambau E, Sougakoff W, Jarlier V, Aubry A. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2007; 51:1643-8.

    - Bactericidal Activities of R207910 and Other Newer Antimicrobial Agents against Mycobacterium leprae in Mice. B. Ji, A. Chauffour, K. Andries, V. Jarlier. Antimicob. Agents Chemother 2006 ; 50:1558-1560.

    - The mouse foot-pad technique for cultivation of Mycobacterium leprae. Levy L, Ji B. Lepr Rev. 2006 Mar ;77:5-24.

    - Dihydropteroate synthase mutations in the folP1 gene predict dapsone resistance in relapsed cases of leprosy. E. Cambau, L. Carthagena, A. Chauffour, B. Ji, V. Jarlier. Clin Infect Dis. 2006 ; 42 :238-241.

    - Uniform MDT (U-MDT) regimen for all leprosy patients - Another example of wishful thinking. B. Ji. Lepr. Rev. 2003 ; 74 : 2-6.

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